Monday, 15 March 2010

Sometimes I get BIKE RAGE

So I had a little bit of a holiday the last few days. I'm looking at it as a break before all the hard
Went back to Oxford to hang out in the new house with Dan for abit and meet my parents etc. Had SUCH a good weekend, was so relaxing being at home (in a warm house) and having someone cook for me lol.

I didn't spend the whole time being lazy though, I actually managed to get so much research done, surprisingly! We went into Oxford on Thursday to be proper tourists and just wonder around the city looking at the beautiful buildings, and we went into several museums which turned out to be SO useful for my research.
We went to the science museum which had a Steampunk themed exhibition on at the moment, was really interesting and my mind hurt looking at all the amazing gadgets which were built like 500 years ago!
Upstairs was a whole area about medicine and surgery in the 1800's and loads of old equipment was on display which was really interesting. I like this 'post-mortem Kit'. You just cant find this stuff on the internet!

Afterwards we went and ate a PORK SANDWICH in the cutest little pub. Wish I'd taken a photo of the amazingness of this sandwich but to give you an idea...

We then went to the Pitts Rivers Museum. It was awesome full of...stuff! stuff everywhere! I got so many useful things for research. I hope I didnt bore Dan just dragging him round museums all day!

The next day we went to London to a huge prop-hire store called Chase Hire. They have 1000's of props-furniture/accessories which they hire out to films/tv shows/events etc. Never been to one and luckily managed to talk my way in and we spent hours just looking at stuff. It's the sort of stuff you'd see in a museum except you're allowed to touch it lol. Was amazing, there was just so much. Like rows and rows of tvs spanning from the 30s up to present, weapons, luggage-pirate treasure chests to a modern day brief cases! Even Porn from the 70s on VHS! You could literally find ANYTHING.

Saw Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland on Friday night. I actually quite enjoyed it. I didn't realise it was a completely different story to the Disney one. I don't know what everyone's moaning about, the storyline isn't the best but it works, they've taken elements from various Alice stories and Lewis Carrolls stories and mixed them up.As for the look of the film it's TOTALLY Tim Burton...but does anyone expect anything else? I mean if it wasn't in his style people would probably complain about that. I think it looked beautiful. I'm the first to admit I had my reservations about the film, it seemed a bit pointless, but I liked it in the end, It was funny, quirky and looked awesome. Wouldn't wanna watch it on anything less than a cinema screen though!

I am now going to make a list of all the things I need to do work-wise, have SO much research now I don't have ANY excuses!
